Discover Fonthill Castle and Mercer Museum
You don't have to be royalty or even travel to Europe to visit a grand, historic castle. Fun fact: Pennsylvania is home to more than a dozen castles, and two of them are in Doylestown, about 25 minutes east of the Inn at Bowman's Hill. Fonthill Castle and the Mercer Museum were both built by renowned American archeologist and collector Henry Chapman Mercer. During your next getaway to Bucks County, make plans to explore the exciting sights and stories behind these two architectural and historical treasures.
Fonthill Castle was originally built as Mercer’s personal home in 1908. It is a unique structure made entirely of reinforced concrete and boasts 44 rooms, 200 windows and 18 fireplaces spread out over seven floors. Mercer designed the castle himself, drawing inspiration from various European architectural styles – Medieval, Gothic and Byzantine. The result is an eclectic and stunning building that has become a hallmark of the Doylestown community.
The castle’s interior is just as remarkable as its exterior. The rooms are filled with Mercer’s vast collection of hand-crafted Moravian tiles, prints and other artifacts that he collected during his travels. The castle also has several hidden rooms, which Mercer used to store his most prized possessions. Visitors can take a one-hour guided tour of the castle to learn about Mercer’s life and the inspiration behind his unique design.
In addition to Fonthill Castle, Mercer also built the Mercer Museum, which is located about a mile from Fonthill Castle. This six-story reinforced concrete castle was completed in 1916. The museum’s collection is vast and varied, with over 40,000 objects from pre-Industrial America on display. Mercer collected everything from agricultural tools and household items to musical instruments and folk art.
One of the more macabre exhibits at the Mercer Museum is the collection of gallows that were used for public hangings in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mercer collected these gallows from various locations around the United States and Europe. They serve as a chilling reminder of the harsh punishments that were once common in our society.
Another highlight of the museum is the collection of antique carriages and wagons that provide a glimpse into the early days of transportation. The museum is arranged thematically, so visitors can learn about the various aspects of early American life as they explore the exhibits. During the self-guided tour, you'll see a recreated 19th-century general store and learn about trades like blacksmithing, printing, tinsmithing, glassblowing, gunsmithing, mining, lumbering and farming.
Fonthill Castle and Mercer Museum offer a fascinating glimpse into the life of Henry Chapman Mercer and his dedication to preserving history. When you stay with us at the Inn at Bowman's Hill, we encourage you to check out these two remarkable American castles and marvel at their grandeur. You can purchase tickets in advance here. From their incredible architecture to their treasure troves of historic artifacts, these two castles offer plenty to explore.